What if I am not suitable for fixed teeth?

Decisive factors for whether you are a candidate for our Same Day Teeth procedure include your age, health, expectations, the amount of missing hard and soft tissue, your dexterity and your financial situation. If unfortunately these criteria mean that you aren’t suitable for the same day procedure, then we can offer you other implant assisted treatments that are worth the wait, ensuring we help you get back the quality of life you deserve.

Option 1: Implant assisted complete denture

A complete, removable denture anchored by precision attachments to a minimum of two implants. This option can either be used in the upper or lower jaw. Oral tissue in the mouth also provides a little support to the denture.

Option 2: Fixed/removable denture

This works as an alternative solution to the implant assisted complete denture. This prosthesis is firmly secured by as little as four implants the upper or lower jaw, together with a precision milled titanium bar. This option has the benefit of enabling you to have a retentive and stable prosthesis that is just like fixed teeth.



Upper full denture with plastic palate removed with four Locator attachments positioned to anchor the denture firmly in place

Locator abutments arranged in the upper jaw ready for the full denture to be attached

Lower full denture with 4 Locator attachments that anchor a less bulky and comfortable lower denture in place

Locator abutments arranged in the lower jaw ready for the full denture to be attached